Creating Mocks

Mocks are created with Mokka::mock() along with the name of the class that you want to mock. Starting with PHP 5.5 you can use the ‘class’ keyword, which is highly recommended for better refactoring support.

$mock = Mokka::mock(SampleClass::class);

If you are using PHP 5.4 (which is the minimum required for Mokka), you can alternatively pass the class name as a string.

$mock = Mokka::mock('SampleClass');

The huge drawback of this is that your IDE won’t recognize this as a class name, meaning your mocks will break if you rename ‘SampleClass’ to something else with a refactoring tool.

Using Mocks

The created Mock implements all methods of the mocked class (plus a few internal methods needed for mocking and stubbing). All methods will return NULL when you call them. See Mocking and Stubbing for information on how to change the behaviour of methods.